The higher end guns such as the Planet Eclipse are pro level guns. They are the top of the line guns for players who need the most efficient, consistent, accurate, fast, and adjustable gun out there. You are able to adjust things like dwell, debounce, rate of fire cap, mode, etc. Then there's the milling to get the weight down and to add style. These mostly appeal towards the more experienced players and players who want to enter tournaments and need the top of the line. These guns are not for the guy who plays like 3-4 times in a year but for the guy who's out there almost every weekend. So whether a gun at this level is right for you is something you need to decide for yourself.
But for new players, it's best to start with a beginner mechanical gun such as a spyder because newer players can get lost in the system interface and accidentally mess up their gun. I've seen it many times when a person would accidentally adjust the dwell or they turned the lpr too high. With a mechanical gun, it's hard to mess up anything.
Now with your airsoft background you will feel mostly at home with woodsball because the feeling of tactical movement is there. With speed ball everything is much more fast paced and intense. So if you are planning to play both speedball and woodsball and want something a better than a mechanical gun, get an Azodin Blitz 2 ($170) or an invert mini ($300) they are both excellent electro guns that are geared more towards entry level/intermediate players and have very walkable triggers. Being able to walk a trigger is important because there is no need for true full auto as these guns are so fast on semi auto already. The 2 major pro level tournaments in the US, NPPL and PSP, are either semi or ramping, Not full auto, with an ROF cap under 15 bps.
But if this will be your first time playing paintball definitely rent first. I tell this to costumers all the time, try it first then buy the equipment because you don't want to put money into it and then find out you don't like it. Then you'll be out whatever money you put into it. And as you progress you're definitely want to upgrade and at that point you'll have tried enough high end guns to decide what you want.
Also about Aliens, I've met Jack Rice a few times, the owner of Alien. I remember shooting the very first Alien Interceptor and when he brought out that funky Alien Revelation. His guns are made for those who like to tinker with their guns since you are able to detach the ram assemble from the gun while it's aired up. All of his guns are great guns, except for the 08 indy. Something about the internal milling tolerances. His newest gun, the Alien Invasion I have high hopes for because it's longer trigger frame looks more comfortable to hold.
One thing you should know, higher end guns that use an air solenoid including the invert mini can not use co2 because if the liquid co2 gets into the solenoid it will ruin the gun. So always use compressed air.