Depending on the kind of camping you/hubby/both are interested in, the following gear is useful:
1. headlamp - a flashlight that is worn on the head, thereby freeing your hands (for cooking at night, or hiking before dawn, or finishing a walk after dusk). There are many brands, choose one within your budget (or what is on sale)
2. tent - depending on whether for hike-camping or car-camping, you'd want different weight/size/material (and that will determine the price)
3. sleeping bag - weight/material will depend on whether it's intended for warm-weather camping only, or 4 seasons (and that will determine price)
Then, depending on the style of camping, you may wish to consider:
- type of backpack
- cooking stove
- cooking pots/pans
- waterfilter
- water bottles/camelback
- map holders (waterproof?)
- compass/GPS
That's enough to start Christmas shopping with...