Why is it that many people who ride road bikes are so pretentious?
2005-12-07 16:22:16 UTC
Why is it that many people who ride road bikes are so pretentious?
Three answers:
Nick N
2005-12-07 16:30:48 UTC
Road cycling can be an expensive hobby, and like any gear oriented hobby like cycling, skiing, and especially golf, there are some jerks who have the best stuff and like to lord it over the people who work for a living.

However, it is easy to mistake the gear for pretense. Sure, the spandex looks silly but is very functional on long rides. Also, some people like to dress up in colorful outfits, they may simply be living out their superhero fantasies.

Not all of us are pretentious ;)
2005-12-11 06:33:14 UTC
Where are you from? I would like to know because I would like to stay away from there if people really are like that there. I live in Texas - Home of the pretrentious, inflated, over-inflated ego. That said, I find very few people who love the sport of road biking who are pretentious. The people who are that way are the ones who need to try to fill their egos and self-worth. People who are true lovers of the road tend to leave these individuals behind - literally. For the most part, most people on road bikes are out there because they are trying to exercise or have a love for the freedom, the scenery and the wind that road biking gives them no matter what there monetary income or upbringing has been.
2005-12-08 01:05:01 UTC
I don't know where this comes from. I bought a used bike and the chainstay protector says "Your bike sucks!" on it. Why would this person feel compelled to make this statement and even pay extra money to get a protector to do so?

I admire all bikes, old, new, expensive or cheap. I am more fond of my old peugeot that I use for commuting than I am of my new bike that is much nicer.

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