I like the way you ask for items to come specifically from Airsoft GI.
Guns: http://www.airsoftgi.com/index.php?cPath=139_24_237
Pick one. But this one should be it since you're on a budget: http://www.airsoftgi.com/product_info.php?cPath=139_24_237&products_id=4587
It'll come with a hicap magazine. You put the BBs into a reservoir and wind it from the bottom.
I'm not sure what sort of batteries go with them so ask around. Here's a list of 8.4v batteries: http://www.airsoftgi.com/index.php?cPath=27_46
Find out what sort of size the gun you're going to pick uses first.
I have this very charger: http://www.airsoftgi.com/product_info.php?cPath=27_74&products_id=1224
It works well and so long as you don't speed charge your batteries too often, it'll preserve your battery life and give you more power.
Read this for BBs: http://www.airsoftgi.com/information.php?info_id=2
Then go here: http://www.airsoftgi.com/index.php?cPath=27_44_196
Go for .2g BBs for now.
Speed loaders: http://www.airsoftgi.com/index.php?cPath=27_122
Pick one that gets good reviews consistently. Although for hicaps, fillers will do you better.
All in all, it should come out to $215 at the minimum.
I'll take the liberty of posting some extra gear.
Vests, if ever you get the money to buy one: http://www.airsoftgi.com/index.php?cPath=28_96
(Don't get anything that says crossdraw on it)
Magazines: http://www.airsoftgi.com/index.php?cPath=60_112_276
Go for ones that will fit your gun. I'm posting midcaps because that's the way you should go since they don't rattle the BBs inside and don't need winding.